Il Progetto SWING – Signs for Work Inclusion Gain (2017-1-IT01-KA202-006157) progetto Erasmus+, #KA2, innovazione e scambio di buone pratiche, in ambito VET è riconosciuto dalla Commissione Europea come Esempio di Buone Pratiche.
Start: 02-11-2017 – End: 01-07-2020Project Reference: 2017-1-IT01-KA202-006157EU Grant: 374860 EURWebsite:
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
The SWING – Signs for Work Inclusion Gain project (www.swing.infoproject.eu), is born with the aim of supporting deaf people in the workplace through the development of a video dictionary in different Signs Languages with work technical terms in the fields of culinary, furniture and tourism.
This Strategic Partnership project (KA2 in field of VET), co-founded through Erasmus+ programme, aims to reach not only the students and their families, but also and especially deaf people, deaf and hearing employers, companies and association, that want to learn and improve their knowledge of sign language to enhance the communication in the 3 mentioned work fields.
The project partnership is composed by:
– CETEM, Centro Tecnológico del Mueble Y la Madera (Spain);
– FAU, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) (Germany);
– CEIPES, Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo (Italy);
– Munka-Kör Alapítvány (Hungary).
The project results are:
1) the creation of 3 reports: “directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments in 3 different work environments (culinary, furniture and tourism)”;
2) a platform with a video-dictionary in 4 signs languages that explain words, expressions and actions selected in the different countries. It is possible to search the connection between 5 spoken languages: English, Italian, Spanish, German and Hungarian and 4 signs languages: Italian Sign Language (LIS), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), German Sign Language (DGS) and Hungarian Sign Language. There are available video of words and their meanings, with other more information;
3) 12 mobile applications available for Android and iOS. There is an app for every field (culinary, furniture and tourism) in every sign language (Italian Sign Language (LIS), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), German Sign Language (DGS) and Hungarian Sign Language). Every app contains the video-dictionary and 2 possible training courses available for the user that want to learn and use the sign language. This app can be used everywhere especially in the work environment also for the communication with deaf people.
The project began in November 2017 and ended in July 2020.